Friday, 6 August 2010


Gosh, I've barely started this blog, and I've already started neglecting it. *Self-Spank!*

28th July
Once again, I had a wonderful day at Whipstock Grange being spanked, paddled, slippered and caned by the gorgeous Headmistress Ms Switch, and evil Headmaster John. All this despite the fact that I am a prefect! Which did mean I got to do some spanking and caning myself.... All of my punishments were compleately undeserved of course. ;-d I resent particularly a certain spurious accustion made by Dr Woods in her absence, regarding Slayer and myself! I managed to win a prize for my acting skills, and have also won premotion to Head Girl. Be afraid.

Anyone interested in attending, please go to

I do love age play. I think it's because it makes me feel so very vulnerable, being under the control of older authority figures, being told what to do, and even if a punishment is unjust, having to accept it. I love going back to that time of irresponsibility,and behaving in a way that I never did at the time-but wish that I had. I love being a brat.:-)

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